
The Darknet & Telegram Search Engine for Companies

Darknet & Telegram OSINT

None of your searches on the Darknet are recorded. This tool is exclusively for use in the economy, industry, and defense sectors. Illegal searches (e.g., pornography, weapons, drugs) are strictly prohibited. Requests containing elements targeting these areas will be automatically blocked. Authorized state departments and companies can access specific data via advanced data filtering features.

Detect data leaks

Prevent cyber & physical attacks

Daily reporting (subscription only)

Easy to use

Darknet made easy

What is the Darknet?

The Darknet is an encrypted area of the internet, inaccessible to traditional search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo…).

It is notably used by cyber-criminals and activists, who disclose on forums the data of businesses or individuals victimized by their cyber-attacks.

This data, accessible to all, serves them to find new targets, particularly through phishing.

The darknet search engine

Why use OwlyScan ?

Understand your business’s exposure to information and data on the Darknet.

Empower your business to anticipate and defend against attacks like identity theft, ransom demands, competitive espionage, and legal ramifications.

Identify IT or human security vulnerabilities and promptly address them by implementing protective and defensive measures.


Benefits for Your Business

The first search engine for information in the Darknet for business use

OwlyScan, a unique search engine

How it works?

01. Indexing

OwlyScan indexes all unencrypted data and archives on the Darknet and Telegram daily.

Owlyscan a giant index of several Peta Bytes (1 peta = 1 million GB).

02. Search

Querying is done as on a traditional search engine, using keywords.

OwlyScan identifies sites containing sensitive data that match your search criteria.

03. Report

OwlyScan generates a detailed report on your search results:


Excel/CSV formatted file listing all links related to the sensitive documents found and directly accessible from Tor.


Excel/CSV formatted file listing all unobfuscated credentials.


The advantages of OwlyScan


All servers and collected data are hosted by a sovereign entity in France.


OwlyScan adheres to the EU legal framework for search engines.


We do not store:

  • Queries
  • Query authors,
  • Search results.

Anonymity is guaranteed.


We protect our users from illegal content (e.g., sex, drugs, weapons) using AI-driven filters.

3 options to facilitate the use of OwlyScan

Pour les entreprises

From a list of established queries (name of the company, name of a contract, a product, a patent, or any other sensitive data) and at a chosen frequency, we search for variations in the results between each cycle. In case of the appearance of a search criterion, an alert report will be immediately sent to you. You will thus be able to understand and assess the threat to respond to it.

More complex businesses have the ability to acquire a large number of queries globally and allocate these queries by departments and services (with a unique username and password per user).

Bulk processing

OwlyScan is natively designed to monitor complex groupings, composed of a very large number of sub-entities or subsidiaries.

Flat file import functions (CSV such as those produced by Excel) allow you to massively import your search criteria for the entire group, whether it consists of 10, 100, or 1000 entities.

Nos formules entreprise

Our business package


1 Search
No subscription
150 € incl. VAT
Usable within 12 months
5 Searches
120 € / search
600 € incl. VAT
Usable within 12 months
10 Searches
100 € / search
1000 € incl. VAT
Usable within 12 months
100 Searches/year
3-year subscription
Billed annually
45 €/search
4500 € excl. VAT/year
Usable within 12 months
Excess carryover to the following year
Additional Searches by group of 10/500/1000
500 Searches/year
3-year subscription
Billed annually
17 €/search
8500 € excl. VAT/year
Usable within 12 months
Excess carryover to the following year
Additional Searches by group of 10/500/1000
1000 Searches/year
3-year subscription
Billed annually
15 €/search
15000 € excl. VAT/year
Usable within 12 months
Excess carryover to the following year
Additional Searches by group of 10/500/1000
Unlimited Searches
3-year subscription
Billed annually
50 000 € excl. VAT/year
Utilisable dans les 12 mois
Nombre de critère illimité
100 users
Alert Option
3-year subscription
For recurring multi-criteria searches
Pricing available upon request only

et maintenant

Start using Owly OwlyScan

You have decided to start using our search engine. We thank you. Simply click on the “Log In” button.


You will then be redirected to our secure site, where you can proceed to create your account, purchase search tokens, and make your first searches on the Darknet.


Contactez OwlyScan

Vous pouvez nous joindre en remplissant le formulaire de contact.

    Owlyscan is a product of SitinCloud.

    SitinCloud is a member of GICAT, the Group of French Industries for Defense and Land and Aerial Security.